The missing children matter is a reality all over the world, including Brazil. It’s around 30.000 missing children in our country and we still don’t have effective public policies that are able to modify this scenario or help these families that live a affliction that can be endless.
Since 2004 we, through our psychologists team, serve families whose child has gone missing, offering technology through the DNA bank and developing researches to evaluate this phenomenon in Brazil.
In an attempt to answer some of the questions that arose in the conduction of the Caminho de Volta Project, we did a field research to study the possible links between the matter of missing children and sexual exploitation.
We have prepared an international event, with the participation of many researchers in the areas of missing children and sexual exploitation so we can speculate on these matters. We hope we can count on your presence.
Journey's President
Dra. Gilka Jorge Fígaro Gattás – Professor Associado do Departamento de Medicina Legal, Ética Médica, Medicina Social e do Trabalho da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). |